Saturday, October 16, 2010

10 Reasons Why I Know I Am Getting Older

1. I can no longer ride fair or amusement park rides without getting nauseous (unless I want to take a motion sickness pill). Trust me, I know this from my last 5 experiences, one being last night (at the Cumming Fair twice, at Silver Dollar City in Branson, MO, at Orlando's Islands of Adventure, and at Six Flags over Georgia). I kept telling my self that I must have eaten something funny but can now come to grips with the truth.

Side note- The most traumatizing of these was at Six Flags when I was on a first date and "got sick" three times. It was the first time my nauseousness reached that level. He must have really like me, because we dated for 7 months after that. LOL!

2. My bed time is usually around 9:30pm or 10pm. I remember in college we wouldn't go out for the night until 11pm. I still don't understand how I did that 5 nights a week while working and going to class.

3. I wake up in the morning, without an alarm clock, before 8am.

4. I get hangovers sometimes now. If you know me, you know that I never got hangovers and everyone was super jealous of me, no matter how much I drank. Apparently the party is over.

5. All of my friends are getting married. I know this because Facebook tells me so!

6. A lot of friends my age are having kids... on purpose!

7. My youngest brother can now buy his own alcohol.

8. I prefer flat shoes over heels. I never thought this day would come!

9. Most of the time while in Asia, I never do my hair or makeup. I REALLY never thought this day would come!

10. I live out of the country with my fiance. Never in my wildest dreams would I ever have thought I would be where am I today... and I couldn't be happier!

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