Friday, March 18, 2011

Hallstatt, Austria

Last weekend Jason and I went to Hallstatt. It is a quaint little town about an hour and a half from Salzburg. We have been trying to do day trips on the weekends and Jason read about it online. Somehow, I don't think the pictures did it justice. It was such a gorgeous little town, so quiet and peaceful.
One of the more interesting things about Hallstatt is The Beinhaus or Bone House, home of more than 1,200 skulls. Creepy, I know. Basically, there is a beautiful church in the middle of town (the one in our pictures with the clock tower) that has a small but beautiful cemetery. Since cremation was forbidden and there was not enough room in the cemetery, graves were dug up 10-15 years later and bones were collected so someone else could be buried in that spot. A crypt was then made to store all the bones. Each skull was drawn on with flowery designs. It was very interesting to see in real life (and sad of course). If you want to read more, google it or click here.
Ok, enough with the morbid stuff. After we walked around the town, Jason and I found a cute little dock by the lake. We had a mini photoshoot and had a blast.
It's days like this that make me realize how truly blessed I am. We have a great time seeing new places and just being silly together and appreciating life. Isn't life sweet?

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