Tuesday, August 30, 2011


It has come to my attention that several people are confused about the new name of my blog because they do not know what "expat" means. So, I figured I would clarify for everyone else-- in case you were wondering.

An expat (or expatriate) is a person who is temporarily or permanently residing in a country and culture other than that of the person's upbringing or legal residence.

I thought the new name of my blog was clever because it is more pertinent to my writings of travel than my other one was. Plus, let's be honest, everyone loves a good rhyme.

When Jason and I were discussing expats, he made a very valid point. You never really hear about expats unless you are one because people in the U.S. do not call foreigners "expats". It is a term common in business and travel. Since living in Singapore, we have been called expats and I had just assumed that everyone knew what the term meant. My bad!

Hope you learned something new today... and now realize why my blog is called "Real Life of an Expat Wife" :)

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