Monday, November 4, 2013

G'day Mate!

We have made it to Australia and have settled in nicely in our cozy little hotel apartment on Bondi Beach. I just love it here!! I'm still wondering why I didn't ask if Australia was a choice for our relocation. Oh well. ((kicking myself))

When we first arrived, we stayed in Sydney in Darling Harbour for a few days before relocating to the beach. I think I sold the idea when I told Jason that besides seeing all of the sights (which I have already seen the last few times we've been here) the only thing to do with the baby was to go shopping. ;)

Olivia and I have enjoyed our lazy beach bum days. We haven't actually been ON the beach but looking at it all week from the grassy area has been good enough for me. It is spring here in Sydney and the weather has been a bit nutty. It was gorgeous when we first arrived. Late last week it was extremely windy (55mph+)- the stroller almost got taken away in the wind (twice) and then I decided it was probably best to stay in for the day. It's mostly been in the lower 70s and very windy but this weekend was gorgeous and in the 80s.

So far we have walked around Sydney, explored Manly Beach, we went to the Sydney Zoo (amazing views!!), and have been wandering around Bondi ever since. This weekend we went on an 8 mile hike from Bondi beach to Coogee beach and back. It was gorgeous!

Now that we are settled, I'll make sure to write a lot and post about each little adventure so STAY TUNED!!

Cheers!! xx

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