Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Moving Across the Pond

The big, dreaded moving day. I know we have all been there. Perhaps none of you have made such large move as this, across the pond to another continent. Well, it is stressful to say the least. It doesn't help that I am pregnant, super tired and can't lift anything too heavy. Jason is super busy at work and the time is ticking. T minus 13 days until the movers come and 15 until we leave. I need more time.

When moving such a long distance, there is so much more to get done. We have to sell all of our furniture, appliances, lamps, and electronics. The plugs are different here so there is no sense in moving them. On top of that, I don't speak the language fluently and they don't have Craigslist here. If it wasn't for Martha, my godsend, I would go mad. She posted our items on a similar website, willhaben.com and we've gotten a few bites but not nearly enough. As I am writing this I am sitting on my favorite chair looking at the empty bookshelf that needs to be sold, feeling completely defeated. Ugh. :/

In between selling our items, I also have to go through our stuff and throw away or donate what we don't want to bring back with us. I have to send the paperwork to the moving company so they can get all of our customs stuff together and actually move everything on the big day. I have to get my medical records from the doctor. Then at some point we have to go to the magistrate with our visas and inform them that we are leaving. Oh yes, and cancel our bank account and gym memberships. All of this in between Christmas parties, going away parties, dinners with friends and packing boxes that we want shipped ahead of time. Oh yeah and the electrician comes today to fix our oven that crapped out in the middle of my cooking dinner the other night. Sure, may as well add another challenge to the mix. It never seems to end.

I'm sure you are thinking, well power through the next two weeks and then you can relax. You forgot the fact that we have NOTHING where we are going. As soon as we get to town we have to rent a house (that is hopefully available to move into ASAP so our boxes actually have someplace to go), buy a car, buy a washer and dryer, get our items out of storage and unpack. Hopefully all during the week of Christmas or before the New Year. Yes, we are crazy. I know.

So lately I have spent my days on autotrader.com, craigslist.org, amazon.com (for Christmas shopping) and emailing our real estate agent back and forth so we can at least have some houses to look at when we get to town. At least I can see a light at the end of the tunnel and the end is near, whether I like it or not.

What also bothers me though, is the little pang inside that is telling me that I am going to have to do this all over again in 8 months. With a newborn. I know I shouldn't even start to stress about it but it will be the same process again. Sell everything, store some things and ship the rest and off we go. It's what we signed up for though and we are very blessed to even have this opportunity so I can't complain too much. Despite all of this stress, we are extremely blessed. And I am so lucky to have such a wonderful husband and provider.

So I am going to keep on keeping on because I seriously can't wait to be back home with all of my family and friends and my sweet little Jack! And I am so excited to spend Christmas together with family. Can I get a big, ol' American Wooohooo?!

So if you are wondering where I am the next couple of days or weeks just know that I am up to my ears with things to do before our big move. I hope to keep you all updated. Wish me luck and send some prayers, pretty sure I need them. Love you all and we'll be home soon!! xx

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