1. There is no such thing as straight hair. No matter how much time or effort or how naturally straight your hair already is, the humidity will turn you into a puff ball in a matter of minutes.
2. It is very easy to become a vegetarian here. Actually, I think I already am one. I lost my appetite for meat when I saw chickens hanging outside of small shops and restaurants. I'll take a salad please. Which leads into number 3...
3. I think I am already losing weight, with my new diet and working out everyday. I am ok with this.
4. The malls are a one stop shop. Seriously. I can go to the chiropractor, buy shoes, get some nice clothes, go grocery shopping, get a cell phone, and eat in fine dining restaurants all in the same place. Needless to say, I got lost in the mall yesterday and was also late for my lunch date with Jason.
5. In the mall (the one stop shop) it took me forever to find sunscreen. I guess no one here uses it. When I did find it, a small bottle of it cost me $18.50 (about $12.50 USD)plus tax. This leads me to number 6...
6. Everything here is expensive. Now I realize why Singapore is the 3rd most expensive country to live in. Jason and I went out for drinks. He had two beers. His beers alone cost $40($28 USD). They were just 12 oz beers. You don't even want to know how much his shot of Patron cost... LOL!
7. Jet lag is no joke. I have to stop getting tired and going to bed at 4:30pm. I wake up at 1:30am bright-eyed and bushy-tailed, ruining my sleep cycle.
8. The Twilight Series is not as corny as I thought it would be. Kellie, that was for you. I've already read Twilight and New Moon. I'm starting Eclipse tonight. I can't seem to stop reading, which is good.
9. It is extremely weird not having a phone. I used to not be able to leave home without it. The first days were really rough. It's especially weird not being able to text. Besides Jason, I don't have anyone to talk to here anyway but that's not the point. I used to freak when I left my phone at home. This takes some getting used to.
10. Outside of many restaurants, they showcase what food they have to offer in the display window, hence the picture for this post. One restaurant literally had like 30 items posted on plates consuming their whole exterior window. At least pointing is a univeral language.
And one for good luck...
11. As always, I saved the best for last. I already miss everyone like crazy! This was to be expected but I just wanted to thank you all for your love and support. Can't wait to come back to visit in June! :)
we miss you like crazy bad!