Today is your lucky day! You are getting two blog posts from me, back to back. I feel this post is important because I know many of you are worried about our being in Bangkok with the civil unrest going on. For those that don't know, two different political parties are demonstrating in Bangkok- the yellow shirt vs. the red shirts. It has been going on for several weeks now and fights and such have broken out. It is slowly getting out of control and the police and army are now involved.
Last night we had plans to go to the open market. One of Jason's Asian co-workers met us downstairs last night and told us that things seemed to be getting more out of hand and that we should probably go somewhere else. We decided to stay close to the hotel, which ended up being a key decision. Last night, in the area we were planning on going to, 5 grenades went off. After watching the news, one person so far died and 87 others were injured. Thank God we are leaving in a couple of hours, after Jason's meeting. I will be hanging out in the hotel until he returns, so don't you worry!
On a lighter note, last night was a blast (no pun intended). Jason, two of his co-workers and I went out. We walked down the streets past the street vendors and shopped. We ate dinner at a Thai restaurant where I actually tried everything in front of me. It wasn't too shabby. After dinner, we walked past some more street vendors where one was selling bugs to eat! It was disgusting. Jason decided that he had to try one so he ate a fried grasshopper... gross!! We shopped a little more before we went to watch one of his co-worker's girlfriend's band. They were playing at a bar close to the hotel and they were really good. It is funny how the only music that I've heard here so far has all been American music. The band played everything from 80's music to Dr. Dre. Mike (Jason's co-worker) dates the female lead singer (Sheila) and she was awesome. She is from the Philippines and is as cute as a button. We took my first tuk tuk ride back to the hotel. We had a wonderful time.
Tonight, we leave for a beach that is 140km away from Bangkok. We are staying at the Hard Rock and I can't wait. I just realized that I haven't been to the beach since I was in Italy in 2007. To say that I am looking forward to it would be quite an understatement! I can't wait! I'll keep you posted.
So glad you're enjoying your new adventure, stay safe! Keep blogging, I love reading about it all!