Merry Christmas Eve all! Can you believe it? My how time goes by! It feels like it was just yesterday when my family and I were getting matching tattoos for Christmas!
This past year sure was a roller coaster ride for me but I couldn't wish for a better ending. Since I will be spending the rest of the year with family and the beginning of the new year with friends, I will not post until next year. So with that, here is a little recap of my life this past year:
January- This is actually when my family and I got our matching tattoos. Talk about family bonding! I started my first "big girl job" at Sedgwick CMS. At the time I was dating Justin and his best friend Amanda got me the gig. I was working at Longhorn for most of the month and life drastically changed for me by the end of the month when I began my new job. While I was a server, I was partying every night and waking up past 11am. When I started working 7:30am to 4pm, my sleeping patterns definitely changed. Although I miss going out with the Longhorn girls, I've saved a lot of money and probably my health too.
February- Luke celebrated his 20th birthday and my Dad celebrated his 52nd. I went to my first Supercross race in Atlanta. Jen, my little sister in my sorority asked me to be a Bridesmaid for her upcoming wedding this April (2010). I started to play on a co-ed softball team at North Park. I got my insurance license. Boy was that insurance class a bore! I got my iPhone- I remember because you could not have found me without it. I was always playing wurdle and reMovem and was playing on the internet and on Facebook. It sure came in handy during that insurance class!
March- This month was a rough one for me physically. My foot problems began to get worse and I had to get shots in the bottom of my feet nearly once a week for my Plantar Fasciitis. I also got these awful foot splints that I am supposed to wear. I also found out that Aaron and Coley were pregnant on the way to our Stoney River dinner for Mother's Day... how fitting!
April- I decided to donate my hair again. Although I did not donate as much as last time, it still felt pretty darn good. I went to the Fleetwood Mac concert, courtesy of my second employer 97.1 The River, where I ran into several sorority sisters outside the show. My family and I also spent our first Easter in Macon, which was also my first visit to Luke's house down there. We had a blast playing football and Bocce ball.
May- I got my motorcycle permit again. We took out the Vespas a lot in the nice spring weather. At the end of the month, I frequently attended pool parties and made several trips to the lake. It was a lovely month since it was not too hot. My parents and I started to argue more, which was very difficult for me since I am very close to my family.
June- My Mom turned 52. I decided to move out of my parent's house and live on my own. I had lived at home for 2 years after being away for college and decided it would be best to be on my own again. My old friend Carol got hitched at the Atlanta Botanical Gardens. I was also a bridesmaid in Ashley and Brandon's wedding at the end of the month. I attended all of Ashley's showers and bachelorette party. What a fun month it was!
July- This was by far the toughest month of the year for me. Although it started off well, with our first annual Insana Family Reunion in Ohio. Family from Ohio, Michigan, New York, and Georgia all came together and we had a blast! A couple days after my return home, Justin broke up with me and I experienced my first heartache. Looking back, it was definitely a blessing in disguise though! The only thing I really miss from this relationship were some of the friends that I lost in the process. Although I did find out that some of them started drama and gossip, so who needs them anyway? Our softball team won the Championship at the end of the month. I also got promoted at work this month, which I was thrilled about since I had only been working for the company for 6 months! I frequently went out, went to pool parties, and went on dates and had an overall blast by the end of the month.
August- This was a huge month for my family. Aaron and Coley got married on August 9th. I was a bridesmaid and we had a wonderful time at the wedding! It was so good to have family in town. The bachelor/bachelorette parties were awesome! I turned 25 the day after the wedding. Although I felt like my birthday was being overlooked, my best friends Ashley and Christina threw me a surprise birthday party that was truly amazing. They even invited some of my family and friends that they never hung out with. Tyler turned 20 this month and Aaron turned 27. I also went to "Shoot the Hooch" down the Chattahoochee in a tube, which was a great time with old friends from West Georgia. I also got baptized - what a wonderful experience!
September- I spent most of my weekends on the lake on the huge houseboats in Cocktail Cove. I spent most of my time on Barry's boat, drinking and dancing. My Mother and I also took a road trip to Kentucky and picked up my new bundle of joy- Bella. Jack was not a happy camper about this. I also began to start running again because my feet had been getting much better.
October- I went down to Savannah for Katie and Stephan's wedding this month. It was definitely an unforgettable trip and it was so nice to hook back up with some old West Georgia sorority sisters and friends. I also ran the Kaiser Permanente 5k with my friend Greg. The Halloween parties this year were the best I've been to. Brandon and Ashley's was epic and I had my picture taken a lot ;).
November- This month our family friend Janet turned 40! I ran the Strong Legs 10k in the beginning of the month with my friend Steve. I went up to Lake Burton and to the farm for Thanksgiving and saw my Dad's side of the family. I rode my first dirtbike! My cousin got engaged that weekend. She is pregnant too. It is amazing to see our family begin to grow. I love it! I frequented church a lot this month too.
December- The beginning of this month started out rough. I got the flu, which I hadn't gotten in years. I began exclusively dating Jason and the poor guy had to see me in my worst condition. It was definitely a bonding experience! Then, I got him sick. I felt so bad! We went to several Christmas parties which were a lot of fun! We went to our first Thrasher's game together last week. He will be joining my family tonight for Christmas Eve... I still can't believe tomorrow is Christmas! Then on Sunday we leave for Chicago to ring in the New Year with his family and some of my friends from Ohio and New York...
Although I was challenged a lot this year, I could not have made it through without the love and support of my family and friends. There were so many twists and turns and ups and downs but I am so thankful for the way things have ended up. This year has really shown me how AMAZING God truly is and that everything works out the way He planned, not us. I believe that this is the year that I found myself and truly began living. I am so thankful and blessed to have you all in my life! And as the saying goes... THE BEST IS YET TO COME!
Merry Christmas!!! <3