It has come to my attention that several people are confused about the new name of my blog because they do not know what "expat" means. So, I figured I would clarify for everyone else-- in case you were wondering.
An expat (or expatriate) is a person who is temporarily or permanently residing in a country and culture other than that of the person's upbringing or legal residence.
I thought the new name of my blog was clever because it is more pertinent to my writings of travel than my other one was. Plus, let's be honest, everyone loves a good rhyme.
When Jason and I were discussing expats, he made a very valid point. You never really hear about expats unless you are one because people in the U.S. do not call foreigners "expats". It is a term common in business and travel. Since living in Singapore, we have been called expats and I had just assumed that everyone knew what the term meant. My bad!
Hope you learned something new today... and now realize why my blog is called "Real Life of an Expat Wife" :)
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Friday, August 26, 2011
Finally Legal!!
It's official-- I am a legal resident of Austria! I picked up my visa today. Yay!! :)

Terezin Concentration Camp
While in Prague this week, Carolyn and I visited the Terezin Concentration Camp.
Although it was not an extermination camp, over 30,000 people died there as a result of poor living conditions. Most were sent East to other extermination camps where they were killed in gas chambers. Of 144,000 people that were sent to Terezin during the war, only 17,247 survived. Of the 15,000 that were children, only 93 survived.
To learn more about it, here is a great site to look at as well as the Wikipedia article.
To say that I enjoyed it would be a lie. It was interesting, yes but not enjoyable. It's funny because growing up we all learn about WWII and how many people died but you can't even fathom the numbers until you see all the headstones in the fields or the names written on the walls of the museum. It was definitely the saddest place I have visited thus far. It really puts life into perspective.
Here are some pictures of the small fortress.
Although it was not an extermination camp, over 30,000 people died there as a result of poor living conditions. Most were sent East to other extermination camps where they were killed in gas chambers. Of 144,000 people that were sent to Terezin during the war, only 17,247 survived. Of the 15,000 that were children, only 93 survived.
To learn more about it, here is a great site to look at as well as the Wikipedia article.
To say that I enjoyed it would be a lie. It was interesting, yes but not enjoyable. It's funny because growing up we all learn about WWII and how many people died but you can't even fathom the numbers until you see all the headstones in the fields or the names written on the walls of the museum. It was definitely the saddest place I have visited thus far. It really puts life into perspective.
Here are some pictures of the small fortress.
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
Our First Visitors
A couple of weeks ago, my friend Phoebe (who I've known since living in Ohio in the 7th grade) messaged me on Facebook and said that she and her boyfriend, Andrew, were thinking about stopping through Salzburg on their way to Italy. They were studying in Spain and after their course work, they decided to travel around a bit. I was more than happy to accommodate them during their visit last week.
We had a wonderful time. I showed them around the city, we sang karaoke, I cooked them some homemade meals, we visited Eagle's Nest and we partied like we were in college again. Good times! Yay for visitors!! :)
We had a wonderful time. I showed them around the city, we sang karaoke, I cooked them some homemade meals, we visited Eagle's Nest and we partied like we were in college again. Good times! Yay for visitors!! :)
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
Shootin' The Hooch
Okay, okay. I have been gone for a while. I am so sorry. I was in the States for my birthday, then back in Austria with some visitors and now in Prague. Life is hard. ;)
While I was back in the States for my birthday, that Saturday a group of us went Shootin' The Hooch. It was Jason's first time and there were about 15 of us. Beer, plus tubes, plus water guns always equals a good time.
Here are some pics.
While I was back in the States for my birthday, that Saturday a group of us went Shootin' The Hooch. It was Jason's first time and there were about 15 of us. Beer, plus tubes, plus water guns always equals a good time.
Here are some pics.
We had a total blast! I am so thankful I was home to spend my special day with such wonderful family and friends. Love you guys!! x
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
Holy cow! Where does the time go?? Seems like yesterday we were in Thailand for my last birthday. So blessed for yet another great year and thankful to be spending it with my lovely hubby, family and friends. Happy birthday to me! ;)
Thursday, August 4, 2011
Jack Update
Jack has lived with us in Austria for a month now. I am so happy that he is here!
Jack was staying with my parents for the past year. I couldn't bring him to Singapore because we were traveling so much and because I didn't want him to have to go into quarantine for several months. At my parents, he got used to playing with their two dogs, Gracie and Allie. When we first moved to Austria, I was worried that Jack would be lonely because he's either lived with the girls or with Bella (although I'm sure he would have rather lived alone than with her).
The amazing thing about Europe is that dogs can go EVERYWHERE with you. And Jack has done just that. So I don't have to leave him alone all the time, I take him with me pretty much wherever I go. He has been to Ikea, out to eat with us, to Budapest on my girl's trip... you name it. I try to take him everywhere I can because I don't want him to be alone and sad.
When we do have to leave him, he cries and it just breaks my heart having to hear it through the door while we are waiting on the elevator. And you better believe that when we return, we are smothered by sweet kisses.
The only issue I have really had so far with Jack is his eating habits. He hasn't really eaten much and has lost some weight so I am now mixing some wet food with his dry food so he doesn't starve. I didn't want his 4 lb. body to shrink to nothing. Other than that, he has been amazing. I'm sure his appetite will pick back up once he gets used to his new living arrangement.
The hardwood floors are also something he has been getting used to. When we first arrived with him, he was sliding all over the place. He wouldn't jump on the couch or the bed and wasn't used to it at all. He has now conquered his fears and prances around the house like he owns the place.
I love my little man! :)
Wednesday, August 3, 2011
Bucket List Update
Life sure is funny sometimes. In November 2009, right after I met Jason, I decided to create a bucket list for my blog. At the time, we had just begun to date (like 3 weeks into our relationship) and Jason must have inspired me by all of his stories about traveling abroad, meeting new people and seeing new places. It was at that time that I made a list for myself of things that I wanted to do before I die. I have looked back at it from time to time and am amazed at how much I have accomplished in the last (almost) two years. Where does the time go? I am so blessed to have experienced all that I have and am looking forward for what is to come. Out of 100 things, here's what I've done since then:
1. Learn to speak a foreign language. (Well, I'm trying to anyway. I can understand more than I can speak but I'm taking classes and am getting there.)
2. Visit Australia,Costa Rica, Paris, London and Thailand.
3. Move out of the country.
4. Fall deeply in love--helplessly and unconditionally-- and get married.
5. Drive the Autobahn and speed as much as I want.
6. Go snorkeling and scuba diving.
7. Learn to cook well. (Not sure if it's "well" but I can cook much better than I did before...)
8. Learn to become more artistic. (I started to paint a bit)
9. Learn to drive a 5 speed.
10. Go rock climbing.
11. Take a spontaneous trip for no reason.
12. Help someone in need.
13. Become a cowgirl for a weekend. (Helps when your inlaws own a buffalo ranch) ;)
14. Fish for blue marlin.
15. Visit a rainforest.
16. Take lots of pictures and actually print them out and use them.
17. Build something. (Does Ikea furniture count?)
18. Live every day as if it's my last.
I can't wait to complete the other 82 items! I am blessed! x
1. Learn to speak a foreign language. (Well, I'm trying to anyway. I can understand more than I can speak but I'm taking classes and am getting there.)
2. Visit Australia,
3. Move out of the country.
4. Fall deeply in love--helplessly and unconditionally-- and get married.
5. Drive the Autobahn and speed as much as I want.
6. Go snorkeling and scuba diving.
7. Learn to cook well. (Not sure if it's "well" but I can cook much better than I did before...)
8. Learn to become more artistic. (I started to paint a bit)
9. Learn to drive a 5 speed.
10. Go rock climbing.
11. Take a spontaneous trip for no reason.
12. Help someone in need.
13. Become a cowgirl for a weekend. (Helps when your inlaws own a buffalo ranch) ;)
14. Fish for blue marlin.
15. Visit a rainforest.
16. Take lots of pictures and actually print them out and use them.
17. Build something. (Does Ikea furniture count?)
18. Live every day as if it's my last.
I can't wait to complete the other 82 items! I am blessed! x
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
Via Ferrata Mountain Climbing
Over the past few months, Jason has taken up rock climbing with some friends. It is called via ferrata climbing and consists of a mountain route containing cables, bridges, and ladders. You basically have a harness and work your way up a cable so you are strapped in at all times. You are constantly hooking and unhooking yourself (you always stay hooked in, as you have two hooks) to move along the trail.
Tait (Sego's husband) introduced this type of climbing to Jason. So on Sunday, the five of us (including their baby) headed out so us girls could finally have a go at it. While Sego and Tait climbed, we watched baby Leo. And then it was our turn.
I was so excited to finally get to try it and I loved it! I am very glad that I am not afraid of heights, as you are just hanging off the side of the mountain, praying that the cable is secure.
Here are some pictures of our day:
Tait (Sego's husband) introduced this type of climbing to Jason. So on Sunday, the five of us (including their baby) headed out so us girls could finally have a go at it. While Sego and Tait climbed, we watched baby Leo. And then it was our turn.
I was so excited to finally get to try it and I loved it! I am very glad that I am not afraid of heights, as you are just hanging off the side of the mountain, praying that the cable is secure.
Here are some pictures of our day:
I can't wait to go again! The views were amazing!! :)
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