Jason and I got engaged on March 20, 2010! It truly was the best day of my life.
Here's the story:
For a couple of weeks, I've been begging Jason to walk on the Greenway with me by our house. Saturday was supposed to be a very nice day. A couple days prior, he told me that it would be perfect to go on a walk on Saturday so he could take some pictures before dinner at my parent's house at 6:30pm. Jason loves photography and told me that he also wanted to try out his new remote shutter release that my parents gave him for his birthday. That morning we ate breakfast, layed out on the back deck and took a nap. When I woke up he told me to change out of my sweats so we could go for our walk. I questioned why I should change and he said that he wanted to take a picture or two of me and knows that I wouldn't like to be photographed in sweats. So we got ready and were off to the Greenway. When we got there, we started walking down the path. He set up his tripod and took some pictures of the wetlands. After taking a few pictures, he picked it up and we began walking again. At the second stop he set up the remote shutter release. He told me to stand in front of the camera so he could test it out. I told him that I wanted him in some pictures too, so he came in front of the camera to join me. I took a couple pictures making silly faces, not having a clue what was about to happen. After taking some pictures, he asked for the remote so he could show me how to take a picture without the remote being in the picture. As soon as he took the remote from me, he started to get down on one knee. I was wondering what he was doing, since he had flip flops on (bending down like he was going to tie his shoe). Then, I realized he was going for his pocket and took out a ring box. I was in complete shock! Jason got down on his knee and asked me to marry him with my beautiful ring shining in its box, while he snapped pictures the whole time. I grabbed the box and just started to stare and him and the ring. He stood up and asked, "Is that a yes?" I was still so shocked that I just hugged him and kissed him, completely speechless. Finally I said YES! He then said, "You can take the ring out of the box and put it on you know!" I immediately put on my gorgeous ring and could not stop starting at it, sparkling in the sunlight. We walked back to the car, where I began calling some family and close friends. I was truly on cloud nine. Jason told me all about how he had told my friends and family that he was going to propose that day and that my Mom even met up with him that week because he wanted to show her the ring. On a side note, we usually try to visit with my family once a weekend since we are leaving in 3 weeks for Singapore so I did not find it unusual that we were going to dinner over there around 6:30pm. We got home and started to get ready for dinner. Jason was taking forever! We finally left the house and were on our way to my parent's house when he told me that he owed his friend Bob $20 from poker the night before and wanted to stop by Buckhead Pizza where he and his family were having dinner so he could drop off the money real quick. I began to get irritated because we were running late and it was already 6:45pm. I called my Mom to tell her that we were going to be late but she did not answer. Not thinking a thing about it, as Bob works out of town during the week, we walked into Buckhead Pizza. We walked into the back patio area and were almost at the table when I realized that my entire family, his sister, and our friends were all there for a surprise engagement dinner party for us. I was sooo shocked and immediately started bawling while they were all standing up, clapping for us. Two wonderful surprises in one day! I am so blessed to have such special people in my life! We drank champagne and had a wonderful dinner. It truly was the most perfect engagement and I am so glad that Jason included our friends and family, especially since we are moving soon. I am so lucky to have such a sweet fiance. I can not wait to spend the rest of my life with Jason. I am so blessed!
~Soon to be Mrs. Shannon
what a great story. I mean really. You get to tell your grandkids this stuff someday!!!! I'm excited for you LC, I hope you guys have a blessed marriage!